“This is what the LORD says: Only if the Heavens above can be measured and the foundations of the earth below be searched out will I reject all the descendants of Israel because of all they have done, declares the LORD”- Jeremiah 31:37

A covenant is a fixed agreement between GOD and a man. It is a promise backed by the very seal of GOD. And as long as the conditions of the agreement are met, GOD ALMIGHTY will fulfil HIS Part.

A covenant is one of the strongest forms of relationships between us and GOD. HE spoke it, signed it, and established it by HIS Name. Hence, the GOD Who has exalted HIS Word above HIMSELF, will never break HIS Promise.

The children of Israel were heirs of the covenant GOD made with Abraham. Hence, up to this day, their name still remains and the promises of GOD concerning them will never fail.

Every Believer is an heir of the new Covenant established by the Blood of CHRIST. Hence, anyone, regardless of past sins, who calls upon the Name of the LORD shall be saved. Anyone who presents the terms of that covenant before GOD is eligible to receive Eternal life and freedom from sin and its consequences.

A covenant is a legal ground. First, understand the terms of engagement by the inspiration of the HOLY SPIRIT. Meditate on it until it rules your mindset. As your mindset changes, it will affect how you pray. You’ll find yourself making the right demands in accordance with the terms of the covenant. It’ll change everything!

The effectiveness of a covenant depends on the faithfulness and integrity of the parties involved. If one side trivializes the agreement, it is likely that the signed bond will be of no use.

When we enter into a covenant with GOD, the one thing which keeps it established is HIS faithfulness. Unlike man, GOD ALMIGHTY does not change.

In order to make effective use of the covenants we have with GOD, faith in HIS Faithful Character must be present. When we go before HIM to lay claims to what we’re entitled to by virtue of the covenant, we must see GOD as One Who esteems us and the agreement HE has made with us.

This Faith in HIS Faithfulness helps us to stand solidly on the grounds of the agreement and state our case without doubt or fear.

Constant meditation on GOD’S faithful Dealings with the people of old, such as Abraham and David, increases our Faith in HIM. May our Faith in GOD be increased.

What are the rules of engagement concerning this agreement? What is expected of me? Are there boundaries to its efficacy?

Man’s duty is to seek answers to these questions and properly apply the knowledge in order to gain the most out of a covenant.

“What I am saying is that as long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate”- Galatians 4:1

An individual who lacks knowledge on the details of a covenant he has with GOD is no different from a child. With knowledge comes liberation.

Knowledge helps you to state your case clearly and firmly before GOD ALMIGHTY. It also keeps you within the confines of the covenant, so that you do not violate your part of the agreement.

Wisdom is received from GOD. It is important that we diligently learn the details of every covenant, being guided by the HOLY SPIRIT. Write them down and meditate on them as often as you can. It will bring growth to you.

Grace is the divine empowerment to be or do something which you otherwise could never have accomplished. Grace is the Ability of GOD filling in for the weaknesses of man.

Depending on the terms of agreement, GOD ALMIGHTY can open unusual doors for a man or endow him with Spiritual gifts in order to fulfil HIS Promises to that man.

An example is the covenant GOD made with Abraham. GOD ALMIGHTY promised to make Abraham’s seed as numerous as the dust of the earth and as the stars in the sky. It was an irrevocable promise. Hence, even at the age of hundred, Isaac, the one through whom the promise was to be fulfilled, was born. Not forgetting that Sarah was ninety years old. The “impossible” was made possible so that the Covenant would be preserved. This is Grace.

GOD’S Faithfulness in keeping HIS Promises leads to an abundance of Grace. May the Grace of GOD be multiplied greatly in our lives.

One major way by which the men of old entered into covenants with GOD was by the sacrifices they made. A sacrifice is made when a person puts himself, his desires and wants aside for the sake of GOD. Notable men who made sacrifices which touched the heart of GOD include CHRIST JESUS and Abraham.

Abraham’s covenant with GOD was sealed and established the moment he resolved to sacrifice Isaac.

“This is what the LORD says: Because you have obeyed ME and have not withheld even your son, your only son, I swear by MY own NAME that I will certainly bless you. I will multiply your descendants beyond number, like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will conquer the cities of their enemies. And through your descendants all the nations of the Earth will be blessed—all because you have obeyed ME.”- Genesis 22:16-18

Of CHRIST JESUS, the Bible says,

“Instead, HE gave up HIS divine privileges; HE took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When HE appeared in human form, HE humbled HIMSELF in obedience to GOD and died a criminal’s death on a cross. Therefore, GOD elevated HIM to the place of highest honor and gave HIM the NAME above all other names, that at the NAME of JESUS every knee should bow, in Heaven and on Earth and under the Earth, and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD, to the glory of GOD the FATHER”- Philippians 2:7-11

The sacrifices we make, whether on a large scale or not, move the heart and hand of GOD.


Covenants are a proof of the changeless nature of GOD. They remind us of GOD’S integrity in keeping HIS Word.

Whenever Christians pray in the Name of JESUS, we have an inner assurance that our prayers have been answered. This assurance is solely based on our faith in a GOD Who has entered into a new Covenant with all who believe in CHRIST JESUS.

The Christian wears JESUS as a garment, which is the prescribed attire for entering the presence of GOD. The Covenant dictates that anyone who enters wearing that garment must be accepted and granted audience. Hence, whenever we pray in the Name of JESUS, as many times as we desire, we know that we will be heard.

By entering into such a binding agreement with all mankind, GOD ALMIGHTY, in effect, is declaring HIMSELF a trustworthy GOD Who is changeless enough to remain bound to the agreement for all eternity.

We can trust GOD. May we receive Grace to do so.

“Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”- Hebrews 11:1

A covenant with GOD rests upon HIS WORD. When GOD ALMIGHTY made a Covenant with Abraham, HE did it by speaking irrevocable promises. GOD spoke Words which are Spirit and life. These words, signed by GOD HIMSELF, went forth and established themselves permanently.

The Covenant had now been established and it became Abraham’s backbone. The promises which he heard formed a strong mentality. The Words spoken by GOD became the basis for everything he did. Circumstances were of lesser importance to him. The Word of GOD was enough and it meant everything to him. This is Faith.

Pondering over the covenants we have with GOD gives rise to Faith. By hearing and meditation, Faith is developed.


Covenants are binding. They are an established legal ground of hope. They remind us of GOD’S Faithfulness and Changelessness, make tremendous Grace available, and boost our Faith. What is your covenant with GOD?


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